Sunday, April 10, 2016

Swatching Lace

Garter Knit Arrowhead Lace Sample
Stocking Knit Gothic Arch Lace Sample 
From my samples I learned much. I need work on blocking, I like size 2 needles best with this yarn (Silk & Mohair 2ply lace yarn), I prefer the invisible cast on, and I don't think swatching for lace on something that has no real size (scarf/stole) does anything more than tell you if you can knit the pattern right.
So, I didn't swatch for the big project after all. I just plunged right in.
Yes, I have frogged (again) the Shetland Stole I decided to do for my first big lace project.
But as this will be my first "real lace" knitting and, naturally, I picked something traditional and complicated, I don't feel like that's a horrible thing. I am thinking though that maybe I will just run a couple life lines in before I even finish the repeat - I seem to go wrong in my count somewhere around row seven. So a life line in row 4 or 5 maybe. Better safe than sorry right? After all, you can only rip out your knitting so many times before the yarn turns back to fuzz, and some forward momentum would be nice.

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